Saturday, October 5, 2013

Test Answers & God Gave up on Us part III

            Today in class, our previously completed tests were returned to us so we could see our grades and go over the correct answers. Once we finished reviewing the test, we used the remaining time in class to continue watching the documentary “God Grew Tired of Us”. Before we could start the movie, we discussed previous events in it, so people who were absent or new, could get caught up. In the video, we left off where Daniel, Panther, and John moved to America were trying to adapt to the new culture. The U.S gave them three months to get used to the new country before they had to get a job and start paying their own way. They were also told that they would have to pay the airlines back for the air-fare.

            The three guys (especially John) wanted to adapt to the American culture, but they also didn’t want to fully let go of their past. John says he still wants to do things “the Dinka way”.

            All three guys managed to get a job by the deadline. We left off at 53 minutes.

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