Tuesday, October 1, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us

Today in Human Geo class we started watching a documentary called, “God Grew Tired of Us”. It starts out in 1983 when Sudan had a civil war splitting the country in half. The war was fought over religious differences and territory. Over the course of the war, about two million people died. During wartime, men were usually targeted. As a result of this many men (as well as young boys) tried to flee. About 27000 boys (soon to be known as the lost boys) walked hundreds of miles with no food or water, to safety in Ethiopia. The boys stayed there for about three years, until Ethiopia began having government struggles of their own. As a result, the boys had to flee once again, this time going to a United Nations refugee camp in Kakuma, Kenya. Once they finally arrived, their numbers had reduced dramatically. There were only about 12000 boys alive.

The last scene we saw before the end of class, we saw that the boys were given the opportunity to go to the U.S. Panther, John, and Daniel took them up on the offer. The only problem was, they had no ida what to expect because our culture is so much different from theirs. These boy had never showered, or even used electricity before.

We will pick up where we left off in class tomorrow.  

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