Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Presentation Day

Today in Human Geo class, we presented the power point we made in groups of three yesterday. My group had Christianity. Before we started that though, we went over our quiz on cultural geography. On the quiz there were question on language, religion, and organizations like the EU (European union), NATO (north Atlantic treaty organization) and a bunch of others. After that, we started getting into our presentations. Grace's group went first but didn't quite get all the way through. Here are the notes I took on her group's slide show.


Sacred texts:
Vedas- made up of over 1000 hymns and Hindu rituals
Bhagavad Gita- describes beliefs of afterlife

Their god is broken up into three parts Brahma(creator of cosmos) Vishnu (preserver of the cosmos) and Shiva (destroyer of the cosmos). This makes them Trinitarian.

Hindus believe in karma(every action has an equal reaction)
They believe in an omniscient being called Brahman.
Samsara is the Hindu process of reincarnation
Ahisma is the practice of non-injury to all creatures.
Hindu priests are called gurus.
Hinduism has an estimated 1 billion followers which is 14% of the world's population and the 3rd largest religion in the world.

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