Friday, October 11, 2013


Today in Human Geo class we had two shadows and they were both from St. Paul's. One's name was Chris and the other had a cool last name. We also took a quiz on population and migration. The questions asked what population pyramids were, what TFR and RNI was. There were no short response questions (thank God), they were mainly matching and one word answers. On the back of the last page we had to answer questions about three different population pyramids ((questions like which pyramid (a, b, or c) had the highest TFR)). Over-all, the quiz wasn't terribly difficult but I was super tired so the quiz made me sad.):

Here are some notes I took to prepare me for the quiz:

·        Life expectancy- the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year.

·        Total fertility rate- Average number of children born per woman.

·        For a population to remain the same the TFR must be 2.1


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