Monday, October 7, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us Part IV

            Today in class we finally finished watching the documentary “God Grew Tired of Us”. Through Red Cross and other foundations John tries to find his family. After a few years in America he finally hears back from his mother. In a letter, his mom tells him of what has happened to his family in Uganda since he ran away. His home was destroyed, and his uncle and his uncle’s children were all killed. Also, many of his family members were sick. Because of this news, John decides not to go to school yet, so he can send his working money to his family back home. Eventually, John gets reunited with his mom and his sister.

             The boys who live in Syracuse New York organized a walk in honor of Sudan’s troubles. Through this walk they tried to inform Americans of the war happening in Sudan, and encourage the official separation of the country.

            Panther goes back to Africa to marry his girlfriend. They then returned back to America where Panther gets his Bachelor’s degree. He plans to open a school back in Africa.

            Daniel continues to live in Pittsburg and takes classes at a community collage. He hasn’t found and family members yet.

            John got his Bachelor’s Degree. He now funds a non-profit organization and  built a medical clinic in his hometown.


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