Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Religion Rant

Today in Human Geo class we Mr. Schick started his religion rant. Here are my notes:

  • It can be a unifying and dividing force
  • There are five major religions in the world
  1. Hindu
  2. Buddhism
  3. Judaism
  4. Christianity
  5. Islam
  • Judaism, Islamic, and Christianity are Abrahamic religions.
  • There are two major branches of Islamic: Shiites and Sunnis. They fight over what Muhammad taught when he was alive.
  • Jews, Christians, and Muslims all claim Jerusalem as their holy site. The are constantly fighting over this land
  • Spatial divisions are how we divide the livable space found on earth by establishing social, economical, and political control.
  • You can be a member of more than one spatial group
  • Spatial divisions can also cause conflicts or cooperation
Example of spatial division- countries
Example of economic alliances- European Union, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Example of political alliance- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Reasons for spatial division conflicts: Cultural differences (religion, language)
Nationalism- the belief tat your nation is superior to all others.

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