Wednesday, October 2, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us Part II

Today in Human Geo class, we continued viewing the documentary "God Grew Tired of Us". Today in the documentary, we followed Panther Brior, John Bul Dau, and Daniel Abul Pach to America. Daniel and Panther go to Pittsburg PA and John went to Syracuse NY. These three men were so far out of their culture. They didn't know things that we consider common knowledge. For example, when they were on the plane they ate the butter and jam by themselves because they didn't know any better.  They also didn't know what potato chips are or how to turn the lights on and off.

The three guys were given about three months to adjust to their new life in America. Once that time was up, they were expected to get a job and start paying their own way. They are also supposed to start paying the U.N back for their flight.




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