Wednesday, October 23, 2013


To start off Human Geography class today, we watched a short video clip from some TV show from HBO or CBS or something like that. (You should post a link to the video btw, Mr. Schick) In the video, it was like a talk show/Q&A. During this segment they were discussing why they thought America is the best country. One person said because we have freedom. When the main character (I'm assuming) was asked his thoughts on the topic, he attempted to dodge the question by giving a joke. He said "the New York Jets". Though he didn't get off the hook as easily as he had hoped. He kept getting prodded and pushes to give a serious answer, until finally he just exploded and went on a full on rant. He said he didn't think that America was the greatest country and gave multiple statistics to support his case. When the video was over, we had a similar debate in class. We discussed why or why not we thought America was the greatest country and also pondered if America wasn't the greatest country then which one was? I said that I thought Ireland was a great country, though I also don't believe any one country is fully superior than all others. Every country has it's flaws.

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