Monday, October 28, 2013


Today in Human Geo class we split into groups of three and made a power point on a religion we chose from a hat. My group picked Christianity, unfortunately. I think this sucks because it's like beating a dead horse how much we learn about Christianity, but oh well. Here are some notes on what was in our presentation.
How Big
  • Largest Religion in the world today.
  • About 2.6 billion christians of all ages around the world.
  • 50.1% of christians in the world are catholics, 36% is protestant, 11% is orthodox, and the remaining 1% are other Christians.
  • The number of Christians in America has majorly increased since 1910
 Where Did Christianity Originate?
  • Jerusalem was the first center of the church
  • Christianity was originally developed in the middle east.
Where is it Centered?
  • Christianity is spread out all over our world, mostly in North and South America, almost all of Europe, and mostly Africa.
  • These are not all of them, but these are the ones that have large portions of the population.
  • It is also spreading rapidly in the east, like South Korea and China.
  • China went from having about 5,000 Christians in the 1960’s to 100 million practicing it across the country.
  • It is also being taught in South America and Africa.
  • There are three main branches of Christianity;
Eastern Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church, and Protestantism.
  • Eastern Orthodox Leaders- Bishops which are organized into groups called synods.
  • Catholicism Leaders- The Pope followed by Cardinals, and below them are Bishops and the final branch is Priests.
  • Protestantism- Denyes the universal authority of the Pope, and has Pastors  
House of Worship
The Christian’s house of Worship is usually called:
  • General Names Orthodox
  • Roman Catholic
  • Anglican Denominations
  • Prominent churches or churches that contain a Bishop’s throne are often called Cathedrals
  • Non-conformists use the word Chapel
Christmas- Christians celebrate Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Easter- Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.


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