Friday, October 25, 2013

One lap down, three to go

Today in Human Geo class we had a shadow named Makayla. She was very fashionable and Mr. Schick made her take the stupid quiz. It was a multiple choice, 50 point quiz on the power point on cultural geography we've been taking notes on for the past few days. We also received a 50 point participation grade. They were intended to help raise our grades because today is the end of the first quarter. Before we started, we talked about what kind of questions to expect to see on the quiz. This helped me so much, like, I'm pretty sure I would've failed if we hadn't had that review. Also, Graces' Quizlets always help. Starting next week, we're going to finish taking notes on this unit and then we will have a 100 point unit test on that material like we usually do.


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