Tuesday, October 8, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us Assessment 10/8/13

Today in Human Geo class, we took a test on the documentary we spent the last few days in class watching called "God Grew Tired of Us". During the test we were allowed to use our blogs as our only resource. We were expected to transfer our notes into our blog before, and if we did so, this was a sort of reward. Before we took our test though, we all ate cupcakes in honor of Erica's birthday. :)

Once everyone finished the test, we started to take notes on a new unit on population pyramids. Population pyramids are what we use to analyze the growth or decline of fertility, mortality, and migration in cities. The three basic shapes are;

1.      The Christmas tree-

·         Developing nations

·         Growth rates are slow

·         High birth rate

·         Short life expectancy

                                    Examples; Namibia, Bangladesh

2.      The box-

·         Developed nation

·         Slow growth

·         Low infant mortality

·         Slow population growth

·         Long life expectancy

Examples; Sweden, USA

3.      The cup-

·         Developed nation

·         Negative growth

·         Low birth rate

·         Shrinking population

·         Long life expectancy

Examples; Italy, Japan





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