Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Population and Settlment Part II

Today in human geo class we finished watching the power point we started on Monday on population and settlement. We learned about net migration rate, immigration, emigration, pull and push factors, and total fertility rate. Here are the notes I took on these topics:

Net Migration- The number of people entering a country subtracted by the number of people leaving that country.

Immigration- Coming into a country

Emigration- Leaving a country

Pull Factors- Things that would make someone want to come to a country. Examples:

· better economic opportunities

· better health services

· religious freedom

· political freedom


Push Factors- Things that would make someone want to leave the country they are in. Examples:

· civil war

· environmental degradation

· unemployment/ underemployment

·  religious/ ethnic persecution


Total Fertility Rate (TFR)- the average number of children born per woman.


            We also discussed immigrants and jobs in America. We were saying that a good majority of Americans don’t do the labor jobs to the best of their ability, which is why, a lot of the time, the foreigners (who work their butts off) end up getting the job in place of Americans.


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