Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pros and Cons of Globalization 9/13/13

Friday in Human Geo class we formed small groups and began a new research project in Google Drive. We were all instructed to look up the pros and cons of globalization. Before we all began working, we discussed which websites were considered legitimate. Wikipedia is a good for a lot of things, but shouldn't be the main website used for research. Wikipedia gives good sources to help you find other sites that are better for projects.

Every person in my group was assigned a different slide. Mine was on the cons of globalization. A con I talked about on my slide was the manufacturing of American products in other countries like China and India. When we make our products in places where there aren’t any labor laws, the workers get paid almost nothing, saving the company money. This may seem like a good thing, but it costs Americans millions of jobs.

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