Saturday, September 7, 2013

Video on Technology 9/6/13

     Today in class we watched a video that demonstrated how small America is compared to other countries. Along with that, it also compared our population, the role of technology, and our jobs with other countries such as China and India. The video started out as a slide show and stated many unknown, interesting facts. I wrote down a few of them: By the time you're 38, the average American is estimated to have already had 12- 14 different jobs. In America, it is estimated that 1 in 4 workers have been with their job for less than a year.

     One reason a person may only stay with their job for a short period of time is that they are trying to expand their horizons and try new things. But the reality is, people get fired. I'm not saying it's expected for someone to do something wrong, but if you've been working in one place for a long time and collecting yearly raises, then at some point, you may be making twice as much as someone who just started.

            Some of the facts in this video you really had to think about. For example, it stated that we are currently preparing students for jobs that haven’t been invented yet. In other words, the economy is expanding and changing so rapidly we don’t even know what to expect in the next 4-10 years and I think that was the overall message from watching this video.



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