Monday, September 16, 2013

Nike Sucks 9/16/13

Today we watched a video describing the conditions in Nike sweat shops. The video starts off when Jim Keady refuses to endorse Nike products at the place he worked. He had recently researched the sweat shops and refused to promote such a thing. He ended up getting fired for attracting so much attention to the topic, and later decided he wanted to see the conditions for himself. He and Leslie Kretzu travel to Tangerang Indoneasia soon after.
When there, the conditions where they lived were as followed:
They earned only $1.25 a day.
They worked up to 17 hours a day 6-7 days a week.
The living spaces were extremely small with no A/C.
The streets were lined with open sewers.
There were rats and cockroaches found all over the apartments.
You shared the bathroom room with up to ten other families.
So as you can see, these living conditions are unhealthy and need immediate change. Unfortunately, every attempt for Jim and Leslie to speak to someone high up on the Nike scale, was turned down. Officials in Indonesia wouldn't even allow them to go inside the sweat shop.
Jim and Leslie's investigations didn't seem to solve much anything but they did attract a lot of attention. Hopefully, their work doesn't go in vain, and something changes for conditions in sweat shops not only in Indonesia, but all over the world. 

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