Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Globalization Part II 9/11/13

Today in Human Geo class we continued our discussion from yesterday on globalization and how it effects America as well as other nations. An aspect of life that is greatly affected by globalization is language. Understanding more than one language is becoming more and more popular as globalization brings cultures into more direct contact and interconnect them. Interconnection was an important word in today’s discussion because it perfectly represented globalization.

Along with language, another thing we talked about today relating to globalization was United Nations. The U.N is when nations come together from all over the globe to try to talk their way out of disagreements peacefully. In other words, they try to make decisions before war and tragedies occur.  

            We also reflected on how life in America would be if it weren’t for globalization. Without trading, there would be no bananas, or other tropical fruits. We would also have to spend more money on American workers to manufacture clothing and other materials.

            Globalization is a part of everyday life even if we don’t always recognize it.

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