Monday, September 23, 2013

Population and Migration 9/23/13

            In the beginning of human geo class, we spent about twenty minutes completing or tests, because that was about how long the fire drill lasted on Friday. Once everyone had finished, we began a new unit on population and migration. The class took notes on a power point we viewed. We only got about halfway through the power point and it covered terms like life expectancy, crude birth rate (CBR), crude death rate (CDR), and rate of natural increase (RNI).

Life expectancy- The average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year.

Crude birth rate (CBR) - Number of births per 1000 of the population

Crude death rate (CDR) – Number of deaths per 1000 of the population.

Rate of natural increase (RNI) – Subtract the death rate from the birth rate and divide by ten.

            Our class will complete the power point the next time we meet which will be tomorrow.

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