Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Socrates Part II 9/4/13

Today in Human Geography class we continued to discuss the trial and death of Socrates among other things. At Socrates' trial, if he would have said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong it will not happen again." he most likely would have been dropped of all charges. Instead of saying that, he said that Greece was like a big stupid horse that would not move, and he was the horse fly, whose job was to sting it until it moved again. Because of his sassy response, the jury gave him the option to either be punished to exile or to drink a poison called hemlock, which would kill him in under an hour. Socrates, being the proud man he was, chose to drink the deadly poison. We also discussed a famous painting literally called "the death of Socrates". The painting illustrated the moments before Socrates drank the poison which would end his life. Instead of looking frightened or upset, he looked strong and willing, while his peers crowd around him in despair.

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