Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Socrates 9/3/13

Today in class we went over our five point plan homework about how to insure a successful freshmen year at John Caroll which was assigned to us last Friday. We also discussed the multiple definitions we were supposed to blog about over the weekend. Agora is a gathering place in ancient Greece, The year 508 BC was when democracy was established in Athens when the people overcame their previous leader. We went over the Greek's ideas of excellence (otherwise known as arĂȘte) and went into great depth of the death of Socrates. Socrates was a Greek philosopher who was charged for questioning Greek's leaders and corrupting the youth. He was given the option to either drink a deadly poison called hemlock, or be punished to exile. He chose to die and turned down every opportunity that came is way to escape. Socrates would rather die than be known as a coward.

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