Monday, January 6, 2014

Urban Geography

Today we went over our exam grades and then we started a new unit called urban geography. Her are my notes :
When and why did people start living in cities? 
City- a gathering of people and buildings and buildings clustered together to serve as a center of politics (governmennt), culture, and economics (money)
Urban- The build up of the central city and the suburban realm- the city and the surrounding environs connected to the city

In the last few years, for the first time there are more people living in cities (urban areas) than rural (farm) areas.

Shenzhen, China was an extremely rural just 25 years ago- was urbanized very quickly

There are new coal burning factories built in China almost every day ruining the air quality.

Before urbanization, people lived in agricultural villages. Life was surrounded by food. Before that, people were hunters an gatherers. (nomadic)

Two components needed to enable the formation of cities
1) agricultural surplus
2) social stratification (leadership) divide and conquer

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