Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel

Today in Human Geo we had a substitute and watched a video called Guns, Germs and Steel. The video started with Diamond going to New Guinea to learn about early civilizations. He wanted to know why some civilizations thrived while others never advanced. The earliest people were hunters and gatherers. They migrated with the animals, never staying in one place for long. In the middle east a team of archaeologists found the first known civilization. The village emerged at the end of a long drought. It was able to prosper because they had a way to store food for long periods of time, they planted their own food, and raised cattle.
Diamonds theory on why some civilizations thrived while others didn't was based on their food and climate. Since the People in New Guinea had such a terrible diet, their entire day revolved around collecting food so they didn't have enough time or energy to worry about advancing.
I agree with this aspect of Diamond's theory but I think there must be something else. It must be more complex then that considering it effects so much.

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