Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel review

Today in Human Geo class Mr. Schick was back! So we talked about what was going on the in video we watched yesterday called Guns, Germs and Steel. Grace was talking about true life and equality. Devin failed at making buckets. Arri got to class on time today! We are going to have a test on what was in the video and on Urban Geography on Friday instead of tomorrow. We could watch the video again tonight or tomorrow night as a review.
Here are some of my notes from today:
New Guineans cut down sago tree and extracted the pulp in the center and added water to make a dough.

  • it isn't nutritious
  • you cant store it
  • it requires a lot of labor to make
Jared Diamond
  • went to Papua New Guinea 
  • anthropologist- studies people and societies
  • author
  • bird watcher
  • professor at UCLA
  • His theory- geographic luck 

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