Saturday, August 31, 2013

5 Point Plan August 30, 2013

I have constructed five ways for me to insure a successful Freshmen year at John Caroll. For starters, I will strive to attend school on time, every day. Along with that, I will try my best to study each night before tests and quizzes to make sure I keep my GPA up. Thirdly, I will try to get involved with after school activities like the play. I plan on becoming a part of the set design. Also, I will try to stay as organized as I can. I will try to keep everything in orderly fashion in my locker. Without organization, I will be frazzled and confused. Most importantly, I will improve my time management skills. I'll be sure to always have time at the end of the day to complete homework and other assignments. I will do these things to insure I get the most out of my John Caroll freshmen year experience.

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