Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28, 2013

Today in Human Geology class we discussed future assignments for this school year. Mr. Schick described to us how often to blog (every day) and what we will blog about (we will be blogging about what went on in class that day). He also helped students who have not correctly made their blog already to do so. Along with that, students were given an idea of what supplies we will need every day for Human Geology class. Some examples are, a pen or a pencil, a charged laptop, and a composition note book. We were also taught that on days we are absent from class, we are expected to blog about the reason we were not present (example: sickness, sports, etc.). All you have to do to find out what you missed is look at Mr. Schick’s blog or another student’s to find out what was discussed in class that day.

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