Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Test Q's

Today in Human Geo class we made test questions. Here they are:

  1. What is microfinance? A term used to describe financial services to poor people without regular banking services available to them. 
  2. What does microfinance do for people? Helps them with:
  • investments 
  • infrastructure
  • education
  • legal reforms 
     3. What are microloans? loans that help people kick start a business that they think will help their community. 
     4. Who are least likely to be helped by regular banks? Poor people 
     5. What problems can be solved with the help from microfinance? 
  • malaria
  • drought
  • clean water
     6. Large cooperation's products cost (more/less) than small businesses because the big companies buy their stock in bulk. (less) 
     7. What do the Peace Corps. do? They go to developing areas and help solve major problems. 
     8. What animal carries the disease malaria? Mosquitoes
     9. What is the number one way to prevent becoming infected by malaria? Nets 
    10. What attracts mosquitoes? Large bodies of water.  

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