Friday, December 13, 2013


Today in human geo class we began reviewing for exams next week. Mr. Schick tried to cram everything that will be on it because we don't know if we will have school on Monday, and if we do it will be a shortened day. There is a study guide on his blog that I saved to a word document. There's going to be a bunch of multiple choice questions and one big essay on about everything we've learned this year. I'm super nervous for exams because I'm not a good tester so I have a lot of studying to do this weekend):

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

2 Hour Delay :)

Today at school we had a two hour delay because of snow which was awweessoommee. But this also meant we only had a 32 minutes class so we didn't have a lot of time to get a lot done. We started off the class with Devin attempting (and failing, once again) to make buckets. Caroline then told the most amazing story I ever heard. We also got to see the test we took on micro-finance. We already knew what our grades were, but today we got to see which question(s) we got wrong and go over them. After that was done, we talked about exams in general and the exam for this class. We're supposed to go over the tests we took to study for the exam. So yeah that's it, happy belated birthday, Mr. Schick!!!!!!! :)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Micro finance test- IT'S FINALLY OVER

Today in Human Geo we took a test on micro-fiance. It was all multiple choice and I thought it was pretty easy. Devin failed yet another attempt to make buckets. We had a shadow who looked like he was 22. After everyone was done with the test, Mr. Schick graded them and told us our grades and Grace made a scene because she wanted a better grade.......................... I GOT AN A OOOHHH YEEHHH.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

More of the same

Today in Human Geo Mr. Schick went through a (not really finished) power point with all the terms we need to know for our test on Friday. He let us know that the power point will be updated (hopefully tonight, if not, tomorrow) and posted on his blog for us to study from. Here's some notes I took on the power point in class:
Mr. Schick's Definitions
Micro finance- a form of financial services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacking access to banking and other services
Micro loans- a small loan given to individuals who might not have access to typical banking services, usually to start or expand small, self sufficient businesses.
Kiva- provider of micro loans.

  • they have distributed almost $500,000,000 in loans with about 1,000,000 lenders.
  • About 600,000 loans have been funded through Kiva 
  • Average loan is about $400
  • Average Kiva loaner makes 10 loans
  • It's repayment rate is 99% !! 
At the end of class we played a little trivia game thing.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Test Q's

Today in Human Geo class we made test questions. Here they are:

  1. What is microfinance? A term used to describe financial services to poor people without regular banking services available to them. 
  2. What does microfinance do for people? Helps them with:
  • investments 
  • infrastructure
  • education
  • legal reforms 
     3. What are microloans? loans that help people kick start a business that they think will help their community. 
     4. Who are least likely to be helped by regular banks? Poor people 
     5. What problems can be solved with the help from microfinance? 
  • malaria
  • drought
  • clean water
     6. Large cooperation's products cost (more/less) than small businesses because the big companies buy their stock in bulk. (less) 
     7. What do the Peace Corps. do? They go to developing areas and help solve major problems. 
     8. What animal carries the disease malaria? Mosquitoes
     9. What is the number one way to prevent becoming infected by malaria? Nets 
    10. What attracts mosquitoes? Large bodies of water.  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Slide Show Review

Today in human geo we went over the material on the slide show we made as a class. We will be tested on this stuff probably later in the week. Here are the notes I took on the slide show:

Microfinance- describes financial assistance to poor people or people without regular banking services.
Microloans- loans used to kick start a persons' business idea they think will help their small town/ business. They help with:
  • Investments
  • Infrastructure
  • Education
  • Legal reforms
Poor people are least likely to be helped by regular banks.