Monday, November 25, 2013

Microfinance Powerpoint

Today in human geo class we were to make a power point on the stuff we've been learning about microfinance. The only twist was, we had to make the power point as a class. This didn't really go as planned because there was constant bickering among class members and people were messing around on others' slides. Grace was trying to help everyone but it was coming off arrogant and rude and Devin, Matt, and Arri were being down right annoying. The power point ended up having a lot of definitions and stuff stated more than once because everyone pretty much refused to work together.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Peace Corps Challenge

Today in Human Geo class we had a substitute. We continued to work on the Peace Corps Challenge game but this time individually. I found this to work out better for me because there were less distractions and I could understand ad get through more of the game. I took notes every time I completed a challenge. Here are some of them:

  • In most developing countries, most of the population is poor, but the poor people are least likely to be served by regular banks. 
  • Microfinance addresses the needs of those in the population with little money.
  • Peace Corps Volunteers working on business issues focus on:
  1. increasing family income
  2. improving the environment for business
  3. educating young people
  4. helping businesses find markets for traditional products
  • Slash and burn agriculture is practiced by an estimated 240 million- 500 million people on nearly half the land area in the tropics. 
  • Peace Corps Volunteers work with farmers to:
  1. Improve soil quality 
  2. conserve water
  3. develop fisheries
  4. keep bees and produce honey
  5. raise organic vegetibles 
  6. educate the community about nutrition  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Microfinance again

Today in human geography class we talked about the activity we did in class about microfinance. During the activity we played a game called the Peace Corps Challenge, where we went through obstacles and tried to help the small town of Wanzuzu get back on its feet (in our mind). In class, we talked about how we felt about doing activities like this rather than taking notes from a screen. The over-all opinion was almost evenly split. Grace and I agreed (woah) that it felt less structured and harder to learn when we were just off playing the game. (Not to say that it has to be boring and humorless in order for us to learn) I'm not saying it killed me inside that we played a game in class, I just think I learn better differently. Today we also went over the answers on the peach (or is it tan?) worksheet. Some questions on the worksheet were: What are the benefits of microfinance particularly to individuals living in poverty? [and] What role do small loans play in helping people improve their lives? At the end of class Daphne threw a temper tantrum because she didn't want class to be over.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

World Leaders Test

Today in Human Geo class we got our test back that we took on world leaders. I thought I did well since it was open blog, but I failed to read some of the questions correctly. I got a B which is good but I thought I would have done better. There was one question towards the end that I got right that Mr. Schick marked wrong, but I emailed him and he said he would fix it on power school. Mr. Schick said that he was unhappy with these grades, and we should've all gotten A's and B's becaus eit was open blog, and we spent so uch time going over the right answers on our blog in class.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Today in human geo class we started a new unit. Today we mostly learned about microfinance and the Peace Corps Challenge. Microfinance is a financial service for poor people who don't have access to regular banking services. We looked at microfinance in more detail when we played a peace corps challenge game. In the game we go to a small town (in our imagination) called Wanzuzu. In Wanzuzu we were faced with different health and financial problems that we were supposed to fix (in our imagination).
We also watched a video that describes microfinance.  We had to answer a couple questions about the video on a worksheet.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Political Geography Test

Today in human geography class we took a test. On the test were fill-in-the-blank questions on the blog we have been reviewing for the last few days. The blog was on political geography/ world leaders. We had all class to take the test and we were allowed to use our blog to help us. Most of us finished our test with plenty of time to spare while others struggled. If we finished early we spent the last few minutes working on whatever (i.e homework, games etc.).

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Today in Human Geo class we continued going over our assignment on political leaders. We continued to edit our blog and make note of important details. It was important that we knew we had all the right answers on our blog because that is what we will use to study for the test on political geography tomorrow in class.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Today in human geo class we went over the world's leaders assignment and furiously took notes on our blogs and made adjustments.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Grades and Stuff

So Friday in Human Geo class we went over the last test we took on religions. Quite a few people, including those from other sections who took the test twice, had a lot of problems regarding the test. It's probably a good idea to look over the answer sheet and really understand it for the final coming up in a few weeks. After we finished reviewing we started talking about our world leaders but we only got to Afghanistan. We'll probably finish this in class on Monday. That's all that really happened but have a nice weekend, and see you Monday! :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

World Leaders

Mexico- Enrique Pena Nieto came from a middle class family his father was an engineer and his mom , a school teacher. He fathered two children with someone who wasn't his wife. His previous wife died of sketchy circumstances. He's married to a soap opera actress.

Germany- Angela Markel PhD in quantum chemistry
Chancellor since 2005
Earned the top spot on the FORBES list of Most Powerful Woman in the World for 8 of the past 10 years.

Venezuela-  Nicolas Maduro Moros started out as a bus driver became politically acive in the early 1990's. Met Hugo Chavez in 1992 in prision for trying to overthrow the goernment. Chaves went into power and chose Moros to take power when he died.
China- Xi Jinping
Son of revolutionary veteran Xi Zhongxun, one of the Communist Party's founding fathers.
His wife is a folk singer who holds rank as army general in 1987.
Hi daughter goes to Harvard

United Kingdom- David Cameron 
Went to Britian's top private school
His first child was disabled
He is the youngest prime minister in over 200 years

Queen Elizabeth came into power Feb. 6 1952 and was crowned June 2, 1953. Her reign lasted 60 years and counting 

Saudi Arabia- Abdullah He fathered 22 children the youngest when he was 79.
He is worth about 21 billion dollars.
He was commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard
He met with the Pope to try to converge religions
He granted women the right to vote

India- Pranab Mukherjee  Journalist before entering politics
Rated as one of the best finance ministers in the world
Ruled the best parliamentarian 
Started his own party- Rashtriya Samajwadi Congress
He had a conflict with Rajiv Gandhi who took over as prime minister from his mom after she was assassinated. 

France- Francois Hollande
Has no previous experience in a national government position. 
He was born in 1954 his father was an extreme right physician and his mother was a progressive social worker.

Iran- Khamenei supreme leader Took part in street protests against the US. He was exiled and imprisoned multiple times 
Hasan Fereidun Ruhani-Doesnt want to be like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad-previous ruler
Hates the US
Hates Israel saying that Jews don't deserve their own country. says that the Holocaust didn't exist

Afghanistan- Hamid Karzai's father is a popular political figure. He can also speak many languages (Peshto, Persain, Hindi, French and English) which helps him make more of an influence on a world wide level. 
He emerged as a resistance leader under Taliban rule and worked to undermine regime. 
Several times in 2001 he warned the US that the Taliban was connected with al Qaeda and that an attack  (9/11) was planed against the US but his warnings were ignored. 

Brazil- Dilma Rousseff is Brazil's first woman to be president. 
She opposed Brazil's military dictatorship in 1960's/ 70's and served three years in prison where she was repetedly tortured. 
She has been divorced twice. She has a degree in economics and now rules the country with the eighth biggest economy in the world. 
She underwent chemotherapy for lymphoma in 2009 and is now in remission. 

Israel - Peres and Netanyahu 
Peres- Fled to Palestine to escape persecution of Jews
Was given the chief responsibility for securing military equipment for Israel from abroad
Organized Israels nuclear program and is regarded as the father of Israel's atomic bomb
Was in charge of negotiations during peace talks with the Palestines. 
Shared the nobel peace prize with his prime minister 
Netanyahu- Lived in the US as a child
After his brother died, he became devoted to fighting terrorism

Minster, Christopher. "Biography of Enrique Peña Nieto." Latin American History., 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2013.
"Angela Merkel Home L Biography L References." Angela Merkel. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2013
"Nicolás Maduro Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2013.
"Who Is Li Keqiang?" News Who Is Li Keqiang Comments. The Telegraph, 11 Jan. 2011. Web. 06 Nov. 2013.
"David Cameron Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2013.
"King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz." King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz. N.p., 6 Nov. 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2013.
"Prime Minister of India - Dr. Manmohan Singh." Meet The PM :. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2013
"Hassan Rouhani Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2013.
"Hamid Karzai Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2013
Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2013.
"Benjamin Netanyahu Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2013

Political Geography Research

Mexico, also known as United Mexican States is a federal republic.
The leader is President Enrique PENA PIETO

Germany is a federal republic.
The leader is Chancellor Angela Markel

Venezuela, otherwise known as the Bolivariana Republic of Venezuela, is a federal republic.
The leader is President Nicolas Maduro Moros

China, otherwise known as people's Republic of China, is a Communist State.
The leader is President Xi Jinping

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm.
The leader is Prime Minister David Cameron.

Saudi Arabia is a monarchy.
The leader is King and Prime Minister ABDALLAH 

India is a federal republic.
The leader is Pranab Mukherjee

France is a republic.
The leader is Francois Hollande

Iran is a theocratic republic.
The leader isAli Hoseini-Khamenei and president Hasan Fereidun Ruhani 

Afghanistan is an Islamic republican
The leader is President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid KARZAI.

Brazil is a federal republic.
The leader is President Dilma ROUSSEFF

Israel is a parliamentary democracy.
The leader is Peres/ Binyamin NETANYAHU.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Today I was sick and did not attend school. I had a headache, sore throat, stuffy nose, and a fever of 100.2 or something. I spent pretty much the entire day drinking hot tea and trying to sleep (and failing). SIDENOTE: I got my new phone today and I am SOOOO pumped. I'm starting to feel a little better now and will probably be in school tomorrow.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Religion test

            Today in human geo class we had a test on the four major religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism).  The biggest problem I think I had with that unit was mistaking Hinduism and Islam. I got a B which isn’t too bad but I could do better. Once everyone was done, we started a new unit on political geography. Here are some of my notes:


Political Geography

The world is organized under
Countries- an identifiable land area

Nations- a population with a common culture; shared identity; culturally homogeneous groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community, which share a common language, institutions, religion, and historical experience


Sates- a population under a single government; synonyms with country

Nation- States- has a single culture under a single government; has borders.

An Independent State has:

·         Recognized boundaries

·         People who live there

·         Organized economy

·         Education, transportation, government

·         Sovereignty – no other state has authority

·         External recognition

Next, we began watching a video clip of Mr. Schick’s hero.



Sunday, November 3, 2013

Religion and stuff

So Friday we were scheduled to have a test on the things we covered in our power points we presented. Because not everyone got to present, Mr. Schick made a power point for us to go over, on all four major religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). We were going to just blow through his power point and use the remaining time in class to take the test, but because classes were shortened that day due to mass, we didn't have enough time to go through the power point AND take the test. So instead we will be taking it in class on Monday. Mr. Schick's blog said that the other classes' (who took the test already) grades sucked. So I'm guessing the test is super hard. So it's probably a pretty good idea to look over Mr. Schick's power point as a review this weekend. Happy November!